Educational Consultation
LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERParents sometimes feel powerless when it comes to school issues, but there is actually a lot we can do for our children in terms of advocacy.

Best Intentions Are Not Always Best
Our school wanted to pull Josh out of the classroom for special instruction, he would miss some of his favorite activities that other kids were doing such as gym or watching a movie. While they meant well and wanted to get results, it was like they didn’t think of the emotional toll their plan would take on him.
Having an advocate means having someone who knows what best for them but can navigate the bureaucracy of the school system.
Josh’s Mom
IEP Advising & Advocacy

Getting the right services in school
Learning Evaluation testing is often required to access special education services or accommodations in school, and it can help determine appropriate school placement. Kids may be entitled to a wide range of supports through either a Section 504 accommodations plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Early testing and periodic retesting can establish your child’s needs from pre-K through post-graduate education. Learn more about getting services in school.
Our educational consultation team can help you determine the best school placement for your child, working with your family throughout the entire process.
Starting with a thorough review of records and a meeting with you and your child, we can assess whether your current services are ideal, or if a different kind of school would be more appropriate. Suggestions may range from specialized school environments to highly specialized environments such as therapeutic boarding schools. Likewise, we can help determine when children are ready to move to a learning environment that is less-restrictive. We can also recommend activities for gifted children, and whether or not a student would benefit from a gap year between high school and college.
Navigating what differentiates schools and programs can be confusing for families, but our learning specialists have extensive experience helping parents form a plan for finding the learning environment that will work best for their child.
Our school consultation includes:
- Review of records such as any test results, report cards and neuropsychological reports
- Meeting with parents and child
- School observation, if necessary
- Contact with all professionals involved in your child’s care such as therapists and educators
- A meeting to discuss feedback and recommendations for next steps
- A list of appropriate school placements
We can also provide ongoing consultation including:
- Outlining the application process including important deadlines
- Assistance with submitting applications
- In-depth school placement services such as tours, team meetings, application support and coordination with admissions departments
- Monitoring progress and providing ongoing recommendations
- Referrals for intervention providers
- Coordinating and leading team conversations with therapists and educators
- Providing recommendations for formalized testing
- IEP advising and advocacy